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計算工作管理套件 - Altair PBS Works

PBS Works is a key ingredient for HPC workload management

PBS Works™ is the market leader in comprehensive, secure workload management for high-performance computing (HPC) and cloud environments. This market-leading workload management suite allows HPC users to simplify their environment while optimizing system utilization, improving application performance, and improving ROI on hardware and software investments. PBS Works is the preferred solution for many of the planet’s largest, most complex clusters and supercomputers – and is the choice for smaller organizations needing HPC solutions that are easy to adopt and use.

PBS Works Products

PBS Professional
Proven for over 20 years at thousands of global sites, PBS Professional is a leading HPC workload management product that efficiently schedules workloads across all forms of computing infrastructure, from clusters to supercomputers, intelligently balancing business priorities and requirements to optimize scheduling while reducing runtimes and maximizing hardware and software utilization.

Compute Manager
A web-based portal for simplified job submission and management, Compute Manager hides the complexities of HPC so end-users can focus only on their data and applications. Users can easily set up jobs on distributed resources, monitor and manage workloads, and visualize data and results remotely.

Display Manager
A web-based remote visualization portal, Display Manager enables users to visualize and collaborate on massive data sets. Display Manager reduces IT costs by enabling consolidation of costly graphics resources and increases security by eliminating the need to move files outside the datacenter.

PBS Analytics
PBS Analytics is an easy-to-use data analysis and visualization product that supports data-driven planning and decision making. Easily extensible to meet your unique requirements, PBS Analytics aggregates data from multiple servers into a common database for a consolidated view into resource productivity.

Software Asset Optimization (SAO)
Altair SAO is a tool for measuring and analyzing application use for right-sizing global investments. SAO works seamlessly with popular license managers (e.g. FLEXlm, FlexNet, LM-X…) to providing a single, aggregated view of enterprise software assets, so IT managers can improve capacity planning.


  關於PBS Works
   PBS Works
   PBS Professional