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 Invited Speakers

台中教育大學:黃國展 教授

雲端計算(cloud computing)是最近大家越來越常聽到的一個新名詞,它代表了一種新的運算模式,帶來了一些新的機會,也伴隨著一些新的挑戰。然而,雲端計算並不是一項突然誕生的全新技術,它其實是過去許多年來平行及分散式計算相關技術,逐步發展,日漸成熟,所產生的結果。本次演講將從雲端計算與之前各種平行及分散式計算平台的關聯性談起,嘗試探討究竟什麼是雲端計算。接著將介紹雲端計算所帶來的新應用與機會,並討論其所衍伸出來的技術挑戰與未來可能的發展方向。


中華大學:許慶賢 教授

Taiwan UniGrid is a Grid computing platform, which is founded by a community of educational and research organizations interested in Grid computing technologies in Taiwan. In this talk, I present the design and development of a middleware for Taiwan UniGrid. Taiwan UniGrid middleware consists of three primary modules: 1) UniGrid Portal, 2) Computing Service, and 3) Data Service. I explain the major design issues that we suffered from the development of these three modules and propose the corresponding approaches to them. The detailed system architecture, software components and features are elaborated. Finally, an example of a workflow consisting of MPI parallel jobs demonstrates that users can utilize Grid resources with ease via our middleware platform. If time permitted, I will give a brief introduction of resource management and job scheduling for grid economy.

  Invited Speakers